Are You Having Trouble Sleeping During the Day?
“I love to sleep. When I’m rested, I’m at my best.” – Halle Berry
As humans, we’re wired to sleep during the night and be awake during the day. For most of us, that isn’t much of an issue, but it can be if you work overnight. While it’s possible to sleep well during the day, you’re probably going to have to make a few changes in your lifestyle – and sleep style – to do so.
Drinking Too Much Caffeine?
One surefire way to make sleeping through the daytime an uncomfortable experience is drinking too much caffeine too close to bedtime. For overnight workers, morning is evening – and you have to treat it that way. Try to stay away from any caffeine for 6 to 8 hours before you plan to go to sleep.
Is Your Bedroom Too Bright?
When the light hits your closed eyelids in the morning, it triggers a biological reaction to start bringing you out of sleep. Try getting blackout curtains – they’re made specifically to keep light from shining through your window and will help keep your sleeping space dark.
Noise During the Daytime Hours?
If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of living near noisy neighbors, you know that too much noise will interfere with your sleep no matter what time it is. If you live with other people, whether family, friends, or roommates, asking them to be quiet will usually only go so far.
If your environment is noisy try using headphones and listening to white noise. Sounds of the ocean, thunderstorms, or even a powerful fan can drown out the ambient sounds of the day and help you sleep.
Are You Using a Weighted Blanket?
A weighted blanket from Comfitude can help you sleep better during the day, thanks to the science of deep touch pressure stimulation, or DTPS. According to research, light pressure, like that exerted by hugging another person or wrapping yourself in the comforting embrace of a weighted blanket from Comfitude, can cause a decrease in the stress hormone cortisol and an increase in feel-good hormones serotonin and melatonin – both of which can help you calm down and get to sleep faster.
For some of us, sleeping during the day is easy. For others, not so much. With a weighted blanket from Comfitude and a few simple changes, you, too, can get the sleep your body and mind need no matter the time of day.

How Do You Stop Someone from Snoring?
Snoring isn’t a problem in-and-of-itself, but sleeping in the same room with someone who snores can be an issue. It’s said that Tom Cruise snores so loud that when he was married to Katie Holmes sometimes she had to leave the room to be able to get a good night sleep.
If someone’s snoring keeps you up at night, here are a few handy tips from Comfitude that just might help.
Change the Snorer’s Position
The position of the body plays a huge role in whether or not you snore. When you lie down on your back, the base of your tongue and soft palate come together and can cause you to snore. This can easily be fixed by sleeping on your side or stomach.
Has the Snorer in Your Life Gained Weight Recently?
While anyone can be a snorer, significant weight gain can sometimes cause someone to start snoring even if they previously did not. If the snorer in your life has recently packed on a few pounds, losing weight may reduce (and sometimes eliminate) the problem all together. Of course, if the weight gain is due to pregnancy, you may need to give the snorer a pass for a few months.
Avoid Alcohol and Other Sedatives Before Bed
When you ingest alcohol or other sedatives, it changes the resting tone of the muscles in the back of your throat – increasing the likelihood that you’ll start snoring. If your partner already snores, drinking alcohol 4 to 5 hours before bed will likely make it worse. Even a person who doesn’t snore at all can, and often will, start doing it if they drink too close to bed time.
Improve Overall Sleep with a Weighted Blanket
Hopefully, these tips will help you silence the snorer in your life (even if it’s you). Stopping someone from snoring can help increase your quality of rest each and every night, and so can a weighted blanket from Comfitude. Research has shown that the use of a weighted blanket can not only help you get to sleep faster, but can help you sleep longer and deeper, too. It might take a little trial and error to get someone to stop snoring, but in the end you’ll both be happier. With a weighted blanket from Comfitude, you’ll sleep better, too.

How do You Calm Your Mind so You Can get to Sleep?
Have you ever gotten into bed, exhausted from the day, and ready for a good night's, but your mind won't slow down to let you? If getting into bed triggers a wave of stressful thoughts, such as paying your bills, getting your kids to and from school on time, or how you’re going to through work tomorrow - you're not alone. Simply desiring to get to sleep isn't always enough to get you there.
Insomnia can be incredibly rough. Madonna, Lady Gaga, and George Clooney all suffer from it, as do millions of others across the world. The good news is that for some of us, employing a few relaxation strategies before going to bed can make a world of difference.
Autogenic Training (AT)
If you're lying in bed and you just can't get your mind to settle down, AT may help. Autogenic training is where you use a series of exercises to focus your attention on relaxing sensations in different parts of your body. Focusing your attention on a specific region of your body, and then using your mind to help induce feelings of calmness, heaviness, and relaxation is what AT is all about.
Breath training has been used to help people relax by cultures all over the world for a very long time. It involves inhaling slowly for 4 seconds, holding your breath for up to 7 seconds, and then slowly exhaling over the course of 8 seconds. The reason this works is that when you breathe deeply and hold your breath, you're increasing your body's oxygen level. Doing so makes it so that your body doesn't have to work as hard to continue functioning, therefore allowing you a greater feeling of relaxation.
Using a Weighted Blanket
Numerous research papers have been written touting the benefits of weighted blankets, like those by Comfitude, in helping people get to sleep. Not only have they been shown to increase the amount of time spent sleeping by those suffering from chronic insomnia, but also those who use them tend to move around a lot less - a sign of deeper, more restful sleep.
Settling down to sleep can be tough - especially if you suffer from stress, anxiety, or chronic insomnia. Weighted blankets from Comfitude have been scientifically proven to not only help improve the amount of time you spend sleeping but your quality of sleep as well. If you struggle to get to sleep at night, give Comfitude a try and see the difference a weighted blanket can make in you t life.

How Can You Better Prepare for Tests?
Testing in school can be both stressful and difficult. Unfortunately, many schools, including universities, don't teach students proper studying practices. Of course, some schools do focus on study habits, but that doesn't in-and-of-itself make test taking any easier.
According to Will Smith, the first step on the path to success is telling yourself that you can. However, that isn't going to be enough. Below is a short list of simple yet effective studying strategies from your friends at Comfitude. Employing these might just help you make the grade.
Are You Pacing Yourself?
How long a time frame do you usually study? Our brains can only take so much, and research has shown that studying for too long can, and will, cause our brains to fatigue. Instead of studying for long periods at a time, research suggests that taking short breaks every 60 to 90 minutes to give your mind a rest is more effective than trying to cram everything in all at once.
When Do You Start Studying?
Speaking of cramming, it's also not a good idea to begin studying too close to the date of your exam. Instead, try studying as soon as your instructor presents new information. Don't wait until the last minute, no matter how smart you are.
Do You Create Your Own Study Guides?
Study guides can be sort of a mixed bag. Instructors often provide them, and when they do, the guides can be rather vague. Instead of waiting for your instructor to issue a study guide, create your own notes as you read and use those to study with. If you end up being issued a guide closer to the exam date, you can always add any information to your own notes you may have missed.
How Are You Sleeping?
No matter which strategies you use when studying, poor-quality sleep can (and will) reduce your functional intelligence. That's not something you want to come test day. If you have trouble sleeping before exams, try using a weighted blanket from Comfitude. Research has shown that weighted blankets are effective at reducing stress and anxiety when used at bedtime, and are also capable of helping you sleep deeper and longer.
Exams can be nerve-wracking, but with the right study habits and a good night's sleep, they don't have to be. Give a weighted blanket from Comfitude a try and see what a good night's sleep can do for your grades.

Not Sleeping Well? This Could Be Why
"I love to sleep. When I'm rested, I'm at my best" - Halle berry
When we don't sleep well, our days can be absolutely miserable. We lack the energy and enthusiasm to get things done, our mood can be affected and it can be extremely difficult to concentrate.
What Can We Do?
Our first go-to when we think we're having problems with sleep is probably Google. Hypochondriacs can have a field day there.
Hopefully, our next step is a trip to the doctor. Sometimes sleep problems can be symptoms of other, serious medical conditions, and it’s important to let your doctor know if you're going long periods without sleeping well. Stress and anxiety associated with life can also be at the root.
What can Cause Sleep Disruptions?
One of the more common medical conditions that can negatively affect how we sleep is obstructive sleep apnea - a condition in which the airways get blocked while we sleep and our brains wake us up. If it happens once or twice a night, we may never notice when it occurs. However, some people have been known to stop breathing as often as 30 times an hour. People who suffer from sleep apnea of this severity need medical treatment.
Medical conditions account for roughly 15% of reported issues with poor sleep. In the absence of a medical condition, poor sleep could be caused by environmental factors (loud noises, uncomfortable temperatures/bed, bright lights, etc.) or from psycho-physiological factors. In these cases, the mechanisms that promote sleep aren't doing their job.
The vast majority of poor sleep (70%, in fact) is due to psycho-physiological issues. A lot of people refer to this as “insomnia,” though it’s actually a cluster of sleep disorders with similar characteristics that manifest in similar ways.
The vast majority of poor sleep (70%, in fact) is due to psycho-physiological issues. A lot of people refer to this as “insomnia,” though it’s actually a cluster of sleep disorders with similar characteristics that manifest in similar ways.
How Can You Sleep Better?
If you notice that you’ve been sleeping poorly for a while, and you think there’s something physically wrong with you (such as sleep apnea) you may want to speak with your doctor.
If there’s nothing physically wrong, you may just need a little help by way of a weighted blanket from Comfitude. Our weighted blankets and comforters are based on the science behind Deep Touch Pressure Stimulation (DTPS), which induces a comforting sensation that causes your body to reduce the amount of the stress hormone cortisol and increase the production of “feel good” hormones serotonin and melatonin.
Having trouble sleeping is frustrating, whether the reason is serious or benign. Comfitude weighted blankets are proven to help those who have trouble getting their zzz’s fall, and stay, asleep.

Here’s a Creative Way to Get Your Kids to Sleep?
When asked by Parents Magazine about the rigors of parenting, Amy Pohler replied, “Sleep at this point is just a concept, something I’m looking forward to investigating in the future.” That’s a pretty relatable sentiment of many parents. Quality sleep is important for our health no matter what age we are, though as parents, when and for how long we can sleep usually depends on how long our kids decide to do the same.
Can a Weighted Blanket Help?
Weighted blankets are specially-designed textiles that contain a weighted material that is evenly-distributed throughout the textile. Research has shown that using such blankets can be beneficial for people of any age who are currently experiencing sleep trouble or anxiety. For kids, weighted blankets can be a supremely non-invasive way to help children fall asleep who normally have difficulty doing so.
How do Weighted Blankets Work?
Humans respond to different types of touch in similar ways. When we’re hugged or cuddled, our bodies naturally reduce the stress hormone cortisol and release higher amounts of “feel good” hormones serotonin and melatonin. The science behind it is known as deep touch pressure stimulation, or DTPS, and a weighted blanket from Comfitude mimic this type of stimulation, which often results in deeper relaxation and a better night’s sleep.
Does Every Child Need One?
A weighted blanket from Comfitude can work wonders for anyone who’s had trouble sleeping, but they can work wonders for adults and children who suffer from anxiety or insomnia. Additionally, children on the Autism Spectrum who crave touch but are unable to endure physical touch from their family can receive immense benefits from a weighted blanket. Though originally used by parents with children on the Autism Spectrum or those suffering from sensory processing disorder, there are many reports of children without these struggles benefitting from a weighted blanket by way of better sleep.
Getting children to go to sleep and stay asleep can be tough for any parent, especially those who have children with special needs. Weighted blankets, like those from Comfitude, can help your child get to sleep, allowing the whole family to get the rest they need.
Getting children to go to sleep and stay asleep can be tough for any parent, especially those who have children with special needs. Weighted blankets, like those from Comfitude, can help your child get to sleep, allowing the whole family to get the rest they need.

How to Cope with High Degrees of Stress
Let’s face it. No matter how hard you try you can’t avoid stressful situations altogether. Stress is a part of life. Work can be stressful; home life can be stressful; even happy times like the holidays can be stressful.
Ask working moms, Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Lopez. Managing a career and raising kids is a big job!
The key to dealing with stress isn’t to attempt to avoid it, but to successfully cope with it when it appears. Below are a few tips from Comfitude. Use these when stress starts to creep in.
Move Your Body—Exercise!
Being stressed feels uncomfortable. Whatever issue is stressing you out is going to present itself no matter how you feel about it, so why not do something that makes you feel better? Exercise has been shown to release endorphins – hormones that make you feel good and help maintain a positive attitude. All you need to commit to is 30 minutes a day.
Be Assertive
Are you a busy person? Stress compounds quickly when you’ve got too much on your plate. It isn’t your job to please everyone. When you’re already stressed to the max and people keep asking things of you, don’t be afraid to politely say, “no.” You can always help others when your stressful period subsides.
Eat and Drink Healthy
Stress can take up a lot of mental and physical energy, leading to making poor decisions about what you eat and drink. Skipping lunch might lead to stopping for fast food on the way home. It may seem like a simple way to save time, but resist the temptation. Fast food is a killer if you make it a habit. Save time by doing advanced meal prep at home in the evenings or on weekends.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep deprivation is a huge issue in our busy world. Getting enough sleep can be a rare treat whether you’re stressed or not. When you are stressed, getting an adequate amount of sleep is critical. Therapeutic weighted comforters and blankets from Comfitude help reduce daily stress and anxiety and increase the quality of your sleep.
How Does Comfitude Work?
Using a Comfitude weighted cover creates a Deep Touch Pressure Stimulation, which in turn triggers a similar central nervous system response to being held. As you calm your nervous system, your stress levels subside.
With the right coping skills, you can get through whatever the day throws at you. Comfitude therapeutic blankets will help you get through the night, too. Getting a good night’s sleep will not only calm the day’s stress, but it will also prepare you for dealing with stress the next day.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
How many hours do you sleep at night? Recent studies are showing many of us get less than the required amount. We stay up too late and get up too early. Before Michael Jackson died, he was said to be sleeping about an hour a night. Most of us get more sleep than that, but do we sleep enough? Getting enough sleep is more than important; it’s critical to the ability to function. Most experts recommend anywhere from 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. If that sounds like a lot, consider that professional athletes like LeBron James or Lindsay Vonn, and those with physically demanding professions often need more.
What Happens When You Don’t Sleep Enough?
Your mind is less alert, your memory is impaired, and your ability to process information is hindered. Additionally, the general lack of energy that comes from sleep deprivation can make even the most routine tasks seem like a chore.
How Can You Sleep Better?
If you have the time for a good night’s rest but just can’t seem to wind down, it could have something to do with your daily habits. First, start with limiting caffeine and alcohol. Alcohol inhibits your R.E.M. (deep) sleep, and caffeine sticks around in your system for about 12 hours. Try not to consume any alcohol or caffeinated drinks past the late afternoon or early evening.
Another way to sleep better at night is to stick to a schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps train your body to sleep during specific hours. When you go to bed and wake up at different times every day, it can confuse your body’s sleep/wake cycle.
Your Environment Makes a Difference
Your bedroom should be a relaxing environment that’s conducive to restful sleep. The atmosphere should be cool, dark, quiet, and comfortable. Make sure all of the electronics in your room, if you have any, are off and there aren’t any errant lights shining in your eyes. If too much light is coming through your windows, look into getting blackout curtains.
Finally, your bed makes a difference. A comfortable mattress is necessary for a good night’s sleep. By using a therapeutic weighted blanket by Comfitude, you’ll wrap yourself in a big hug. Our therapeutic weighted blankets are light enough to give you freedom of movement, but heavy enough to provide you with much-needed comfort and support.
How Does Comfitude Work?
Comfitude therapeutic weighted blankets are designed to stimulate your body’s touch receptors in the same way that getting a hug would, thereby releasing soothing hormones that help you relax in ways no other blankets can.
Getting enough sleep in today’s world is a constant challenge. Following these suggestions can help you tip the scales in favor of a restful night.